How dangerous a "blog" can be?
Here is the English translation of what the Iranian ex-vice president, Mohammad Abtahi, has reported on his weblog about the interrogation and torture of several Iranian blogers for what they said in their blogs.
This is what governments do when when the "national security" is in danger, and they should defend the "homeland", or "religion", "values", or any other sacred shit.
More on the tortured bloggers here.
ReplyDeletei followed the links but the site is down
it shows thses messages:
بازديدکننده محترم!
سايت وب نوشت (محمد علي ابطحي) به زودي مجدادا در همين آدرس قابل دسترس خواهد شد.
بازديدکننده محترم!
آدرس صفحه مورد نظر شما يا تغيير کرده و يا اين صفحه وجود ندارد.
لطفا به صفحه اصلي وب نوشت مراجعه کنيد.
unfotunately i can't read persian...
the persian students in uk site says that abtahi's site was hacked...